Thursday, December 3, 2009

Exploring the meaning of my life!

The more I think about me and my life, I usually get a new understanding of my self, or an aspect of me. So, it's a work in progress. I have been trying to understand the meaning of my life, what really matters to me, what makes me truly happy, my duties and responsibilities, my strengths and weaknesses etc. The more I think about it all, the more overwhelming it is. But then, I think it is a meaningful exercise. Because with every passing day, I believe I am getting more and more clarity.

All the above questions have been constantly redefining my life these days. I am convinced of the existence of our creator, his magnificent creations, and the enormous fortunes and blessings he has showered on us all. I am also humbled by the fact that, despite all the small setbacks I have had in my life, how fortunate I am in terms of all the wonderful things that I have been blessed with. I truly believe that our life is very important; and with the fortunes, power and free will we have, puts on us a lot of responsibilities, whether we take it up or not. And that leads me to realize that, despite all the 'misfortunes', 'fortunes' and 'injustices' we see in this world, this world is ultimately fair and just to all its creations. To sum it all, borrowing from a movie dialogue: "With greater powers, comes greater responsibilities!". Adding to that "With greater fortunes and blessings, comes greater responsibilities"

I feel bad about the fact, despite all the advancements in Science & Technology and all the comforts that it has brought to our lives, billions of people in this world are still struggling to make their ends meet. Poverty and hunger is still very much a BIG reality in this world (Not just in Africa, but in our own country, the "shining", "nuclear" India). Access to education, healthcare and sanitation are denied to a lot of people. Can I put all the blame on the so called "corrupt" governments for their sufferings, and sit back and relax?? Then, what about our country, India??? I am not as saddened by these facts as I am to the fact that the "modern" India (including all of us who browse the internet, watch TV, writes blogs, spends time socializing in internet) does not even want to think about it as a reality.

We have all been shying away from these hard truths, and pretending that everything is fine (because of course it doesn't affect us, right?). Forget helping them out, but how many of us have at least accepted that this is THE reality??? How many of us have taken the effort to volunteer for any of these charities? How many of us have pledged a small amount from our pay checks for these suffering people who are our neighbours? How many of us have thought to come out with a solution that will help at least some suffering people??? Statistics says that, in the last 10 years, though the GDP of India has been growing fantastically, the lives of millions of poor and suffering people has become worse-off (Simply put, social inequality or social inequity has increased)

As I told you earlier, the more I think about it, the more overwhelming it is. But I am convinced that it is criminal to ignore these truths and realities of our MODERN world. I think we should be careful in our actions, thoughts and streamline them to do something meaningful in life.

Of course, I or you as an individual cannot solve the whole of the world's problems; But if everyone uses that as an excuse for inaction, then the world will be a much worse place to be in. In the contrary, if all of us put our best efforts by making some small sacrifices, the effects can be exponential. And I am confident, our lives will become a lot more meaningful and we will experience a new true happiness. Of course it is our money, our time, our relatives, our health etc, and of course we need to have a "good" quality life. But for all the useless excuses of "subjectivity" of "good", any small deed or small sacrifice we make will go a long way to make this world a better place to be. I think, any excuse or argument we come with, we should always ask "Am I being true to myself and my conscience? Am I trying to shy away from the truth? Am I pretending that the reality is different from what it really is? Am I using excuses for inaction?"

I am putting Mahatma Gandhi's Talisman below:

"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."

Let us look at all the statistics, and realize how true and applicable this talisman still is... in this "modern" world!

Or should we continue with the debates of bidding for Olympics in India in 2020, which cost China more than $50 Bn ($50 Bn=2,30,000 Crore Indian Rupees)(Oxfam’s report has disclosed that only US$3 billion is needed to provide food for more than one billion who are in dire need if they are to survive for the future); or about Vijay Mallya's plans to bring Formula One to India, which again costs Billions of Dollars worth investments??? I think the answer is obvious, unless we pretend it to be otherwise...