Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Oxford Said MBA Interview...... A nice experience....

I had my Oxford Said Business School interview with Dr. Eamonn Molloy.... I kept trying him exactly on time, and he picked it up after 2-3 attempts. There he was, a very friendly voice. He asked me from where in india are you from ? Followed by the weather in oxford and mine... Then he told me... In a very friendly way..."We have a interview scheduled now... So let us start...?" and then…

"Okay, now tell me why do you want to be here ?" and then he quizzed me on social entrepreneurship, abt my plans, vision.... He really got involved in the topic and asked me a lot ( I really mean "a lot") of questions like why? How ? Why not like this? Suppose I am...? Suppose you are...." etc etc... But I should tell you, he was very very friendly right from the beginning till the very end…. One thing to note, he knew a lot about India and Indian Companies... So, don't think you can fool him with any data or facts...

Once or twice when he was not convinced abt my arguments, and he told me that immediately; and then I told another argument, followed by him saying "now I get what’s in your mind..." . In a way, I felt that it was better that way, Coz you get a second chance to correct yourself. And finally when the allotted time was over, he said "do you have any questions for me ?"..... Infact, I was not at all prepared for this very much expected question (which I should have), but at that moment, I took the oxford brochure, looked at a particular topic, and asked a question.... Which fortunately he said he liked very much... And he repeated that for some time… and he said it is a difficult question…? But he tried to answer in his own style….

In the end, it was more than 35 mins of interview, and I can tell you I found the whole interview quite strange in that most of the expected questions were not at all asked, except "why oxford?". In end he said, the next procedure is for him to make a recommendation about me to the admissions committee and they will get back to me within 2 weeks.... And he told me he really liked talking to me... And I said the same as well.... It was indeed a very nice experience, and I repeat, the interviewer was very very friendly..... Even though I am keeping my fingers crossed.... Just the feeling that you have spoken to a revered faculty of one of the best b-schools in the world, in itself, makes the whole experience a lot satisfying.....

I wish all Oxford Said applicants all the very best.... Hope to meet ya all there…..

1 comment:

  1. Helo Sir..nice to hear dis!!!....will b followin u here...But i wld lik to hear dose "Lot of Questions" asked in u'r Interview..and u'r Answers for it....[:)]
